Friday, June 13, 2008

Firefighter Test!!

I know this is short notice (I've been meaning to get this up all week). We're asking if you all could pray for Andrew tomorrow (Sat. June 14). He is taking the firefighter exam for the county. He's still on the list for the city, but this one will place him on the list for the county (which is what the suburb areas use to hire). Please pray he does well and gets placed at the top. We're excited because we'd rather be in a suburb area and most of them pay better than the city. The test is just a lot of logic and memory questions so pray for his mind to be sharp! You prayers are much appreciated! We'll keep you updated!

1 comment:

The Burkes said...

I prayed for him as I read your post and will remember him tomorrow. The Lord's timing is perfect and we know that He will bless you guys even while you're in the "waiting room." Go get 'em Andrew!