Wednesday, November 7, 2007

1 Week Old!!

Well, our Gavin is 1 week old today. I can't even believe it. He's changing so much already! It's taken me a while to really get things posted on here because I've been moving really slow and resting a lot. It's been a lot to recover from the difficult labor. He's so worth it though!! We've been in our own little cozy "bubble". It's been great, I don't want to come out!!
We are all doing great. Gavin is SOOO good!!! He was 7lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in. We are so blessed, he is either sleeping, eating, or just hanging out. He's so content!! Thank you Lord!!! Andrew went back to work a couple of days ago on Tuesday. Oh it was so hard!! He's loving being a daddy and SOO good at it!! We love our little family!! I can't believe he was picking his head up like this today, he looks so much older!

Gavin & Papa (Andrew's dad)

Grandma Graham cuddles!

At the hospital 1 week ago! Nana & Grandma!

Daddy & "Mimi"

A job well done!


The Cecil Family said...

When you realize how fast they are growing you dont want to take your eyes off for a second. It really does fly; Judah will be 10 months on the 21st.

Jeremy and Lacy said...

He is soooo cute. I cannot believe that he is already holding his head up like he is!!! He is going to be so advanced! You look great and I know that you are in heaven finally having him here! Keep those pics coming!

Jason and Kim said...

Hey there! I just heard about the baby and am so happy for you guys. I know you've probably heard this from everyone, but enjoy every moment...they grow up so fast. Can't wait to see more pics!