Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time with Family!

Two weekends ago Marie's parents and youngest brother Brian came to visit for a couple of days (they live 2 1/2) hours away. We had a great time enjoying walks, picnics, hiking, and an evening at the lake.

Uncle Bud's fortress!

Gavin with Grandma & Grandpa!

Eating mashed potatoes on a chicken bone!

Gavin with all his grandparents!

Fun with Cousins!

Nina, Gavin & Alayna riding in the car together to go for a walk!!

Gav's first pb&j sandwhich!!


Abels said...

Wow, Gavin is getting so big! The lake looked like a lot of fun. Great to see the family. Thanks for checking on us the other day- I need to call I know- I have been sick all week. So I will try ya soon- check out our blog and you'll hear about our HS experience! Miss you guys so much more when we see these cool pics! Love ya!

The Burkes said...

WOW...PB&J...yummy! Looks like you guys are doing beautifully. He sure is gettin' big!